Friday, May 8, 2009

Why Positive Attitude is not enough to Change Your Life?

Learn the 10 Success Factors to Permanent Change

©2009, Copyrights, All Rights Reserved. Erfan Hettini

Most people have a hard time changing things in their lives, which they know, need to be changed to get better results, but they fail to follow through. So what stops them?

A lot of time the reason is, not knowing how to sustain the right attitude to change things permanently due to faulty methods and misinformation. In seminars around the country, you often hear the cliché” your attitude determines your latitude” touted by many gurus in the personal growth industry to their followings, but many fail to explain the mechanism of doing so effectively and maintaining a winning attitude for a lifetime. Attitude not explained properly and how a person can actually get to that stage, is a sure recipe for failure. The result- many people obtain the right attitude for a little while, start seeing some change and after a while they revert back to old ways, and not being able to follow through completely , they often get discouraged and just give up.

There are many elements that precede the right winning attitude, and attitude in itself is the manifestation of a different process all together. Having a positive attitude or keeping one is not at all a sufficient success factor all by itself. Unless you dig deep down and find the real power that gives the proper attitude to succeed, even though you might get discouraged or fail on your face sometimes, you will not be able to sustain a permanent change. The real power that lies within you, and is the catalyst for all permanent real life change in people is your “WHY”.

Uncovering your true “WHY” will trigger a process of self-discovery like you’ve never experienced before. If you let it be, it will lead you to a life of fulfillment, great success and a purpose- driven lifestyle. Would you like to live your life like that? Here is the true process of change outlined below. Each is factor is interlinked and dependent on the one that comes before it, so to be successful you must follow the process in the exact order.

The True Process of Change

1- Uncover your true WHY for change- the kind of WHY that makes you cry or makes your present life unbearable- You just can’t continue living like this anymore.

2- Your WHY will lead you to your true purpose- You need to start embracing it, harnessing it, empowering it, and even if you just start doing it part time at first, it will take a life on its own and grow with time.

3- Living your purpose- even part-time at first will give you the right mindset that’s filled with possibilities and hopes.

4- The mindset will generate powerful positive emotions within you, which ultimately gives you the winning attitude you need to soar.

5- Your proper and winning attitude will enable you to overcome any bad habits, change course and become action-oriented.

6- Your positive actions repeated become habits that lead you to more success and more of the life that you want.

7- Your new habits will come to refine and define your character, closer to the kind of person you’ve been dreaming to be.

8- Your new refined-character embodies your reputation and gives it exponential value with time.

9- Your reputation becomes the most valuable capital you’ve got and opens the door to cooperation from other people.

10- Cooperation of other people will fast track the accomplishment of your goals and confer on you even bigger more exhilarating successes.

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

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