Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Realm of Decision Making

3 Steps to Keeping your Life Moving Forward

©2009, Copyrights, all rights Reserved, Erfan Hettini.

In life, there are three kinds of people, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who ask after the fact “what Happened”.

The first category of people is exclusively made up of movers and shakers in this world. The change agents in this world with disdain for the status quo, always causing a forward movement and progress in the world. They are the trendsetters and catalysts behind all new big ideas released into the world.

There are the scientists, businessmen, inventors, internet and technologies geniuses, medical researchers and political advocates among them all. They are forever changing and inspiring the world to embrace and adapt new ideas and creations. They tend to cause a public outcry and a shock at first, but they soon get the world to see and adapt to their point of view.

Those movers and shakers are restless thinkers and relentless decision makers. They are very decisive people who act fiercely and quickly once the first step of the roadmap to their goal appears. They are persons who inhabituated the ability to make a decision once initial clarity is achieved and act upon it without hesitation or delay.

So if you aspire to be a person of action, subscribing to this one percent group in this world, then by all means follow and institute the following three steps into your life.

Step One: Gain clarity on your vision of what you want to accomplish in your life.

Step Two: Orchestrate and plan a long term plan (5-10) years on how to get there, detailing milestones, action steps and daily tasks for each year. Your plan must be flexible enough to change how to get there, but not what you want.

Step Three: Take daily action as you planned and have a reminder of your grand vision that you visit everyday. Also make a commitment to take at least three actions per day that will move closer to your vision. Actions that directly contribute to your vision of what you want.

Erfan Hettini is a Master Intuitive Networker, a Movie Producer, an Entrepreneur and the Author of the powerful book 101 Reasons You Should Fire Your Employer & Start Your Own Business. He’s one of America’s most renowned business experts on Entrepreneurial Empowerment at He regularly helps aspiring entrepreneurs awaken the entrepreneur within, and show them the way out of the Rat Race, towards financial abundance, happiness and peace of mind. Join our Dream Awakener Ezine and receive a Free Software, for more information, go to

©2009, Copyrights, all rights Reserved, Erfan Hettini.

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Science of Thinking Big

7 Habits to Become a Super Achiever

©2009, Copyrights, all rights Reserved, Erfan Hettini.

There is a lot of truth in the saying “you become what you think about most “or “your results will reflect the size of your thinking”. Do you want to become a person who attracts an endless number of wealth creation opportunities and both personal and business life expansion on a continuous basis? Do you want to unlock and live your full potential? In this article you’ll learn the steps to do just that, but let me warn you, your life will never be same, but in the process you’ll become what the world calls a Super Achiever, are you up to the task?

Many of the super achievers that you see today going from one win to another have developed the habit of thinking big and manifesting it in the way they act. They never seem to have any shortage or lack of opportunities or things they’re excited about. They rarely pay attention to the critics and boldly embark toward their goals once the decision is made to do so. They are high-energy people brimming with possibilities and live a purposeful life. They are masters at building relationships and exude an aura of magnetism that attracts people to them, and if you’re ever in their presence, you would feel an expansion of your own mind and soul. They have a rich rolodex full of other high-energy super-achievers from which many opportunities of growth and wealth creation emanate.

All the preceding characteristics of super achievers originate from their thinking process which is very different from the way the masses think, and if you follow the steps below and integrate them into your life, you too in due course will become one.

1- Dream BIG: Initiate a daily ritual of dreaming up what you want to accomplish in your life, and hold no barrels or limits. Set aside some time everyday to do so, preferably right before bedtime.

2- Positive Mindset: Immerse yourself into positive books, tapes, music, associations and circles of positive-minded people. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, and snap it every time you think a negative thought to regain your positive focus.

3 Give Thanks: Get in the habit of being grateful for all the blessings you have in your life and give sincere thanks to people who extend you a helping hand. Give thanks a lot to the point where the word” thank you” becomes a permanent, visible and repetitive part of your vocabulary, but also mean it everytime you use it.

4- Smile Big: Have a sincere-from-the-heart beaming smile all the time, you’ll attract all the right people to you and repel all negative-minded individuals. Plus doing so will keep you in the right mindset, attitude and thus your actions.

5- Act in the Moment: Once you see the possibility of more life growth for you or others with a preliminary clarity on what actions you can take in the now-embark at once.

6- Enter the Silence: Talk less, listen more, and most importantly act more, but in silence. Meaning don’t brag or toot your own horn about your accomplishments, unless it’s necessary such as when meeting with potential clients or asked for credentials by a decision maker.

7- Be An Advancing Personality: This is by far, the most important element to become a super achiever. Give value and a sense of increased value to all souls you encounter. When you do so, you align yourself with the energy of growth and increased value in the world, and you’re bound by default, to attract to you the flocks of people seeking to add more meaning and value to their lives. It’s soul-founded in all humans to wanting to increase the value of their lives and to uncover their full potential when they’re ready to do so- usually at a certain milestone in the course of their lives, and they will cross your path to help guide them in getting there. So be ready.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Forgotten Law of Success

5 Timeless Success Principles to Grow Your Business

©2009, Copyrights, all rights Reserved, Erfan Hettini.

Most entrepreneurs who started businesses sometimes get to a point where their business is just not growing anymore, and instead just stagnating and going through the same cycle over and over with no imminent prospects for change. It’s at that point where that very successful business they created is in grave danger.

Entrepreneurs experiencing stagnation in their business are usually the cause why their business is stuck. They forgot the very success traits they utilized to start and keep a successful enterprise, by getting complacent to doing the same boring routine. That boring routine did actually help them establish their business in the start-up phase and keeping it operating in a revolving-door mode that just focuses on maintaining the status quo, when what’s really needed is applying those same success traits in a different way to grow their business. So if your business is stuck and not growing or worse yet imploding. You need to learn and apply the 5 timeless success principles included in this article to revive and thrive in your business regardless of the state of the economy.

There are 5 timeless success principles that are quite simple, but they can have a profoundly positive effect if applied by entrepreneurs with sincerity and consistency. They can alter the state of your business in a seemingly magical way, leaving you wondering why you haven’t applied them before. These same success principles were used by many business legends throughout history. Giants like Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill from the industrial age, and present day ones, like teachers from the movie “the Secret” like Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and many others. The 5 success principles are knowing what you want, a burning desire to obtain what you want, timely decisiveness, obtaining the right knowledge and setting yourself up for success. These 5 principles are further explained below, so that you can better understand them and apply them.

1- Knowing what you want: Ask yourself this question “what got the fire in your belly to start your business in the first place”? Find your own unique “WHY” to rekindle your fire, and empower your resolve.

2- Burning desire to obtain what you want: Use your imagination to obtain a vivid picture of the outcome you want and inflame it by feeling what it would be like to be there, no matter what price would be.

3- Timely Decisiveness: You must be willing to make a decision on the spot once a clear course of action is before you.

4- Obtaining the right knowledge: Reach out to successful advisors and mentors and organize plans of action.

5- Setting yourself up for success: Refine and modify the way you do business in such a way that emancipates your time from doing mundane non-wealth producing activities and allowing you to spend the majority of your time on contemplating new revenue streams and implementing wealth- growth-oriented actions such as marketing and promoting your business.

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

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The Power of Gratitude

The Two Things You Can Do in Your Daily Life to Manifest Your Dreams

©2009, Copyrights, all rights Reserved, Erfan Hettini.

Often times you hear people talk about things they don’t want in their lives, or how hard it is to get what they want. All along not realizing that they are pushing away the very thing that they want by focusing mainly on negatives things and by their lack of gratitude for what they already have.

You have probably have seen or heard of the international phenomenon called “The Secret” that is roaming through the globe like a wild fire. In “The Secret” they talked about gratitude as one of the elements to receive what you want in life, but they didn’t dwell too much on how one can summon the feeling of gratitude on demand, or how to incorporate that feeling permanently into their behavior where it leads to a life of daily bliss and manifestation.

In this article, you are going to learn two easy and effective ways on how to do just that and start manifesting more of the life that you want.

The first method that you hear mentioned quite frequently, is the use of a daily journal to write down all the things that happened that day and that you are grateful for in your life. This one method is pretty effective to use right before you go to sleep or throughout the day. But then again, people don’t always remember every single gift they’ve received on that day. It’s true that when you start writing one event that took place, you are reminded by another and another. But in the same token you could also easily forget to write everything into your daily journal for that day, and in the rush of life, you could also find yourself getting complacent and procrastinating. So what’s the solution? You might be asking yourself at this point -Combining the Daily Gratitude Journal with another method I’m about to show you.

Besides writing daily in your gratitude journal all the blessings that the Universe bestowed upon you, you could also give thanks in the moment that you receive every single gift-even the smallest of them. It could be given thanks when a person holds a door for you, or a friend unexpectedly treats you to lunch. Of course, you would have to thank the person too, and then give thanks to GOD or the Universe in your heart for the very gift you’ve just been given .This alone will accelerate the flow and manifestation of more good things coming to you. But you must give thanks in a sincere manner and not just words you blur. Just remember what you focus on, expands and increases in your life, and just like you’ve heard in the movie “The Secret-The Universe Likes Speed”. Giving thanks in the moment you receive will speed up the manifestation of your desires, and just in case you forgot to include a particular blessing in your journal, the Universe/God is keeping tabs on your behalf and not missing any items.

Go ahead, try it and you will see miracles unfolding in your daily life and on a continuous basis. Seemingly small miracles at first that keep on getting bigger and more breathtaking- all depending on how much thanks you give on a continuous basis.


©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

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Why Positive Attitude is not enough to Change Your Life?

Learn the 10 Success Factors to Permanent Change

©2009, Copyrights, All Rights Reserved. Erfan Hettini

Most people have a hard time changing things in their lives, which they know, need to be changed to get better results, but they fail to follow through. So what stops them?

A lot of time the reason is, not knowing how to sustain the right attitude to change things permanently due to faulty methods and misinformation. In seminars around the country, you often hear the cliché” your attitude determines your latitude” touted by many gurus in the personal growth industry to their followings, but many fail to explain the mechanism of doing so effectively and maintaining a winning attitude for a lifetime. Attitude not explained properly and how a person can actually get to that stage, is a sure recipe for failure. The result- many people obtain the right attitude for a little while, start seeing some change and after a while they revert back to old ways, and not being able to follow through completely , they often get discouraged and just give up.

There are many elements that precede the right winning attitude, and attitude in itself is the manifestation of a different process all together. Having a positive attitude or keeping one is not at all a sufficient success factor all by itself. Unless you dig deep down and find the real power that gives the proper attitude to succeed, even though you might get discouraged or fail on your face sometimes, you will not be able to sustain a permanent change. The real power that lies within you, and is the catalyst for all permanent real life change in people is your “WHY”.

Uncovering your true “WHY” will trigger a process of self-discovery like you’ve never experienced before. If you let it be, it will lead you to a life of fulfillment, great success and a purpose- driven lifestyle. Would you like to live your life like that? Here is the true process of change outlined below. Each is factor is interlinked and dependent on the one that comes before it, so to be successful you must follow the process in the exact order.

The True Process of Change

1- Uncover your true WHY for change- the kind of WHY that makes you cry or makes your present life unbearable- You just can’t continue living like this anymore.

2- Your WHY will lead you to your true purpose- You need to start embracing it, harnessing it, empowering it, and even if you just start doing it part time at first, it will take a life on its own and grow with time.

3- Living your purpose- even part-time at first will give you the right mindset that’s filled with possibilities and hopes.

4- The mindset will generate powerful positive emotions within you, which ultimately gives you the winning attitude you need to soar.

5- Your proper and winning attitude will enable you to overcome any bad habits, change course and become action-oriented.

6- Your positive actions repeated become habits that lead you to more success and more of the life that you want.

7- Your new habits will come to refine and define your character, closer to the kind of person you’ve been dreaming to be.

8- Your new refined-character embodies your reputation and gives it exponential value with time.

9- Your reputation becomes the most valuable capital you’ve got and opens the door to cooperation from other people.

10- Cooperation of other people will fast track the accomplishment of your goals and confer on you even bigger more exhilarating successes.

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

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Unlock the Power of Your Intuitive Link®

How to Tap Your Intuition for Answers to Your Everyday Life Questions


©2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

You know that little faint voice you hear in the back of your head, or the hunch that you get in your stomach? The one that tells you whom to trust, what decision to make, which direction to take, or even what to believe about someone, or conclude about some situation you’re faced with?

It's your intuition speaking to you. Are you heeding the message or are you ignoring it like most people?
Unfortunately, the society we've grown up in, has conditioned us not trust our most important valuable sense: our sixth sense- our intuition.

Why? Because our intuition – which we were given at birth – is the key that unlocks the door to unlimited wealth, health, happiness, and answers to dilemmas and questions we face in our daily lives. If we had our intuition, we would have the power to make money, get the right job, make the right business decisions, pick the right partner, and create the life that we so much desire and want.

Intuition works exactly like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more accurate it will be. For that purpose, I will show you two tested and proven methods, to hone and tap your intuitive-link with god for any answers you’re seeking in your life. These two methods are simple, but very powerful, so don’t be fooled by their simplicity. If used properly, you will gain clarity on your life purpose, unleash your creativity to unprecedented level, and stimulate your imagination like never before.

Method One:

A) Calm your mind, still your thoughts , and write on a blank sheet of paper your own specific question about a particular situation or something pertaining to you ( GOD, what’s the answer or best solution to this issue-name your specific issue?) write this with the hand that you usually write with-your dominant writing hand.

B) Stay still and hand the pen over to your dormant hand, the one you never write with.

C) Wait a second, and the answer or a lead to your answer will come to your mind, and you just write whatever it is with the hand that you never write with.

Follow the answer, even if it's just a lead and not the entire answer, and more steps will be shown to you after you’ve taken the first action. Thank God for helping you and show sincere gratitude.

Method Two:

A) Take one day a week where you don't plan anything at all. Not a single thing.

B) Go to the beach or a place of nature to think about a particular issue or a current situation in your life.

C) Calm yourself, and start gazing at the sky, the stars, the mountain or any natural place you favor.

D) Get in the feeling of really enjoying Mother Nature and noticing the abundance and beauty surround you.

E) Gently, tune in to your intuition on that particular issue concerning you and ask for help with answers in a very specific question format.

F) Be open and flexible to answers coming in different ways and forms.

You be surprised of all the clarity, ideas, and strangers (messengers) you might meet on that day that GOD sends your way to provide you the answer to whatever you ponder. Always remember to be grateful and thank GOD afterwards, and you will receive more clues and unmistakable signs for sure.

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

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Why You Can Succeed in this Decade of Entrepreneurship?

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

By Erfan Hettini,

We live in the most intriguing decade of all time-- The decade of entrepreneurship. A decade that presents a tremendously unlimited number of opportunities for the average person, with unprecedented success rate for the equipped one.

In a decade where mergers resulting in layoffs and job insecurity have become the norm. More and more people are choosing to start their own business today than any time in history. More and more people have reactivated the entrepreneur within and are realizing an unparalleled success and so can you .

Let’s take a look and see why the time is ripe for you to launch your own business and see what factors are on your side to help you succeed.

The best way to illustrate my point is to first ask yourself the following question: do you realize we live in a different age?

Never before in the history of the world has it been easier to start your own business than it is today. The internet has proven numerous times over that we have indeed entered the speed age, the age of information, those who have the right information and put it to use in the shortest time possible, benefit the most .Every 60 seconds, there is a new millionaire 
born somewhere in the world.

There are certain success factors that are best explained through a contrast between the Industrial Age and the Information Age.

There are two key factors with different aspects of that Industrial Age vs. Information Age.

A) Demographics of millionaires and Billionaires of both ages
in relation to Age, Time, Wealth.

• In the industrial age it took more time to create wealth and the age of a wealthy person, and especially billionaires was on average almost in their fifties and sixties. In this information age there are plenty of self-made multimillionaires in their twenties and billionaires in their early thirties.

• In the industrial age, billionaires were very few, but in the information age: it’s not as seldom as before. The U.S. alone has well over 400 persons in the billionaire club.

• Achieving billionaire status in the industrial age took on average 20-25 years to accomplish versus 10-15 years for the information age.

• A contrast between Warren Buffet and Bill Gates illustrate the following point. Warren is a multi- billionaire of the industrial age mostly, and a gate is a multi- billionaire of the information age. Warren is much older, and a gate is much wealthier than warren and became a billionaire in his early thirties.

B) Benefits of Entrepreneurship
In terms of income, tax, time, security, income potential

• An income created through a job is called linear income which is trading time for dollars. An income created through a business is called leveraged -income which is leveraging the time of the employees, advisors and vendors to create income for the business owner.

• As an employee working a job you pay the maximum taxes and you are the last one who gets paid. In a business you pay minimum taxes and you are the first one to get paid.

• When you are an employee, your freedom of time and schedule are bound by what your job dictates. As a business owner, you have a large degree of control over your time.

• As an employee you could lose your job regardless of your performance. As a business owner your security is in your own hand.

• Your income has a ceiling as an employee, but as a business owner you determine the ceiling of your income.

©2006-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini


Live Your Own Truth

3 Simple Steps to Get out of the Rat Race

©2008-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini

Article by Erfan Hettini

We live in the most exciting time of human existence. Never has been a time before with so many opportunities for people to prosper than it is today. We are virtually at the cusp of entering a full fledge online economy. Not only that, but we also have many opportunities still offered today from the industrial age which have reached maturity over a decade ago.

Whether, you realize it or not, the internet economy which started with the birth of the computer, still has a long way before reaching maturity, which means you can ride the wave to maturity which will take at least another decade or two and profit from it to create the life of your dreams.

In close analysis of the trends taking place in today’s economy, you will notice a pattern that is similar to the pre-industrial age. Many people are reverting to their natural aptitude and starting their own business.

In the pre-industrial age, most people were small entrepreneurs, exchanging skills and products for other products or money. Employees were a rare thing, and it was the industrial age that invented organized labor and corporations where you have to punch in and out. And what’s happening today is nothing short of an entrepreneurial awakening. People are reactivating their entrepreneurial soul and taking their product to the world’s online market through their computers and that’s revolutionary.

If you are sick of the rat race and want out, you would first need to follow three simple steps to be successful as outlined below.

Step 1: Discover your true passion

What do find yourself doing when you are not on the job?

The next time you go home after work, pay very close attention and break your routine, whether it’s watching T.V., drinking or any mundane activity.
What do you naturally gravitate towards doing, and not born out of habit and learned social behavior? Is it writing something, reading something, fixing something, building something, or talking about something? What’s that one thing that just makes you feel joyful and childlike?

Ask yourself this very crucial question and answer it with all honesty. If you had all the money you need to pay all your living expenses for the rest of your life, what would you get up and do for FREE every morning for the rest of your life that would be in service to other people?

Step 2: Connect to your passion

A) Tally all the free time you have before going to work and after, including weekends and create a schedule of it such as 5-7 am, 7-9 p.m. and more hours on the weekend to practice your passion.

B) Dedicate your new schedule to practice your passion and strengthen it on daily basis. If you do that, you find that you are gaining clarity and deeper insight about yourself that you didn’t know existed. You will also feel more focused than ever before and a great sense of joy.

Step 3: Embrace and live your passion

A) Follow your new passion schedule for at least 90 days and until it becomes a second nature to you.

B) Search the internet and find out how you can build a successful online business around your passion. Chances are they are successful people out there who are living the same passion full-time and with a web-based business model. Find that one person that makes so much sense to you and attend their seminars, workshops and sign-up to their newsletter if they have one.

C) Find a way that you can emulate their business model, but with your own flavor and personality. Meaning, how you present and do your passion must incorporate elements of your personality. For example, you can get from one destination to another, by a car, train, bus, airplane, walking, jogging or on a ship, which method would you choose if you have the option? There’s only one of you, and only you can deliver that product or service in that one certain flavor, and the internet is your gateway to the world’s market.

d) Keep your job till your part-time passion start generating twice as much as your job for at least a year, and don't raise your living standards, but actually stash the extra income to give you enough living expenses for at least a year or two.

e) Congratulation, you are free to vacate your job and do your passion full-time with minimal downside.

f) Focus on expanding your business and teaching other daring souls how to break free from the rat race.


©2008-2009, All Copyrights Reserved Erfan Hettini


Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Art of Intuitive Networking®

The New Paradigm for Building a Golden Rolodex

Learn the 5 Success Principles that Lead to Enriching Relationships

©2009, All Copyrights Reserved, Erfan Hettini


 You probably have heard the term”the size of your network determines the size of your net worth”. Now if you are an online business owner, you’ve heard it “the money is in the list”. With that said, both online and offline business owners realize that building a network is essential to sustaining a viable business in the long haul. Every successful entrepreneur ever existed got there, by first building a loyal network of clients and friends that led him/her to an increasing number of opportunities and influence. After all, it’s not who you that matters, it’s who knows you. The Art of Intuitive Networking differs greatly from the methods of Traditional Networking in many ways, and is a great deal more effective.

The traditional and prevalent networking method you see taking place at events and business seminars is based mostly on the Law of Numbers and Averages. The traditional networker is usually handing out his/her business cards like a sales person on the roll to meet a sales quota with minimal human bonding. Typically, the effects of the psychological pressure that manifest on the traditional networker’s demeanor as neediness, and stiff body language. Not to mention, feeling drained, and exhausted like you’re climbing a mountain, are all the outcome of networking with the mindset of a sales person. While networking the traditional way can produce some random and sporadic results, it will for the most part reduce your efforts and time to nothing more than a pile of collected cards of warm leads.

  Intuitive networking is an art that builds a rolodex that’s ultra-responsive, warm and ever –expanding, in a way that’s effortless, joyous and has real-human connection at its cornerstone. Its success depends on implementing five different factors in the following order-Mindset, Attitude, Clarity, Intuitive Action, and Acts of Service.

Here’s an explanation of the five success factors of Intuitive Networking that you must use to build a Golden Rolodex, which will enrich your life with many rewards beyond your imagination.

1-      Mindset: Always come from a place of abundance, giving and service first, not from a place of selling or qualifying potential clients, when approaching people.

2-      Attitude: Check your attitude to make sure you’re turned on positive; no one wants to connect with a grouch, except for negative people.

3-      Clarity: Be clear on your intention. What goal are you seeking to accomplish before you go to an event. What answers and solutions are you searching for?

4-      Intuitive Action: Be open to possibilities and make a declaration that you will connect with all the souls that you’re supposed to connect with, and with the highest good for all parties before you enter the event. Then, relax and just go about your business without actively looking to connect with anyone and you will intuitively attract to you the right connections. Listen to your heart and it will tell you where to go and when to act.

5-      Acts of Service: When you connect with someone, think of ways you can help that person accomplish his/her goal without expecting anything in return. Not only it’s a very rewarding experience, but you’ll initially make new friends and later clients, and very possibly for life, if you’re consistent at follow-up and keeping in touch.

 Erfan Hettini is a Master Intuitive Networker, a Movie Producer, an Entrepreneur and the Author of the powerful book 101 Reasons You Should Fire Your Employer & Start Your Own Business. He’s one of America’s most renowned business experts on Entrepreneurial Empowerment at . He regularly helps aspiring entrepreneurs awaken the entrepreneur within, and show them the way out of the Rat Race, towards financial abundance, happiness and peace of mind. For more information, go to

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©2009, All Copyrights Reserved, Erfan Hettini
